The Companions of Francis & Clare Fraternity
    Welcomes You To Its Web Site

Most High glorious God,

enlighten the darkness of my heart;

Give me right faith, sure hope, and perfect charity.

Fill me with understanding and Knowledge,

That I may fulfill your command.  -  Francis of Assisi

Welcome to the Companions of Francis and Clare Secular Franciscan Order Fraternity web site.  This site was developed for the use its members and any one seeking to know more about the Secular Franciscans or us.

The Secular Franciscan Order, formerly known as the Third Order of St. Francis, is an official Order within the Catholic Church, and was established by St. Francis of Assisi in the thirteenth century.  Members do not live in community, but live their everyday lives in the world.  However, as members of this fraternity we gather on a regular basis.  By profession, we have promised to follow a Rule of Life approved and confirmed by Pope Paul VI in June of 1978.

If you are interested in the Secular Franciscan Order, and especially, if you feel that you have avocation, please phone 1-800-FRANCIS for more information.

If you are interested or seeking more information about us, you may explore the information provided by our site or may contact any one listed as follows:


AreaContact PersonEmail
Abingdon AreaMariane
Lynchburg AreaFred Ickes
Roanoke Valley AreaMary
South Side AreaNA

Updated: July 31, 2016