¨   If you have a choice between laughing and crying, try to laugh, but crying is natural and healthy too.
¨   If you build a house on a hill, don't tear down the hill.
¨      When using water use each drop wisely as if you were in a desert, with a limited amount.
¨      Use only what you need to sustain your household circle.
¨      Give thanks for the foods you eat, remembering most of the world is hungry.
¨      Don't kill animals such as snakes; learn to live in harmony with bugs and spiders.
¨      Respect and honour those on other paths.
¨      Eat healthy, life giving foods.
¨      Help people in need.
¨      Re-cycle as much waste as you can.
¨      Support causes that help save the Earth.
¨      Savour each day by living one day at a time.
¨      Use positive action rather than negative thought.
¨      Cultivate a spiritual garden as you would your vegetable garden, with effort and care.
¨      Feel nature's spirit when in the out-of-doors.
¨      Listen for the sounds of animals.
¨      Travel light.
¨      Take time to turn over a stone, and look at the world under it, then put it back as you found it.
¨      Learn to savour the different seasons, and the natural climatic changes.
¨      Celebrate life at every opportunity.
¨      Welcome the unknown, and wrap it around you like a new blanket.
¨      Laugh at yourself when everything seems bad, look to the good
¨      Appreciate yourself, you deserve it.
Hsotha Petre
Grandfather Peter

Updated: August 28, 2010